Once the appointment has been arranged between you and the natific Support Team, further steps are needed to get

ready to the Remote Support Session. Throughout the session, we connect to the computer with AnyDesk.

What is Anydesk?

A modern and easy solution to have secure remote connection between your computer and natific. With AnyDesk the natific Technical Support Team can easily connect to your computer and complete the M3K installation.

More information: https://anydesk.com/

Please read through this summary first before download and follow the process.

If you experience any complication or you are unsure of this process, please ask your IT department.

Download the file:

  • AnyDesk Client download is needed on the right computer
    • It MUST be the machine where you have the QC software (Datacolor Tools or X-Rite iQC)
  • Please use this link to get the right software / file (click here to start download)
  • Make sure you select 'Save as...' and save the file to the computer. Please do not select 'Run'

Please always use this client for the remote session.

Open file before the appointment:

In case this is a support session where you requested installation and re-installation of natific M3K, or a client form installation  please also read through this article about the prerequisites:

Click here to open Pre-requisites for M3K

  1. Please start this process at least 5 minutes before the appointment!
  2. Find the file on the computer
  3. Open file on administrative mode
    • Right click on the mouse button to bring the menu up and select 'Run as an Administrator 
    • If you are running Windows XP in a corporate environment in normal user mode,
    • If you are using Windows Vista or later
    • EXCEPTION: If you are running Windows XP with default setup, then starting it normally should be fine

  1. Please send "Your ID" (9 digit ID) that appears in the tool to us ([email protected])
    • Please do NOT confuse this ID and password with you natific account details!

  1. Confirm the connection request on the computer

The Appointment

  1. Our Support Person will connect to your computer to perform the necessary support tasks
  2. You will be sharing the control of the computer (mouse and keyboard) with the Support Person
  3. Through the session please use the chat to communicate with our IT Support Person:
    • Communicate easily with chat window popping up after first message sent (movable)

If you are unsure how to perform this action or you experience any complication, please coordinate with an IT resource in your organization.