1. Click in the navigation on Your Company
2. Open Infrastructures
3. Click on General Infrastructure
4. Select the infrastructure you want to add
If you want to add color management-related equipment (infrastructure), e.g. spectrophotometer, you have to select Color
5. Indicate all required details
If you have selected for example Color > Spectrophotometer, the following details appear:
6. When inserted all details, scroll down and save the infrastructure
For color certification, you have to ensure that all equipment (infrastructure) is registered!
Conditioning Cabinet OR Conditioning Room
Spectrophotometer (only for digital assessment )
Profiling for Spectrophotometer (only for digital assessment)
QC Software (only for digital assessment)
Formulation Software (optional)
UV Calibration Standard
Color Vision Test (optional)
Color Communication (only for digital assessment)
7. All your Infrastructures are stored in Infrastructure > My Infrastructure
Info: We are going to implement more and more infrastructure
New Infrastructure: Weaving, Spinning, Drier, Padder, Knitting, Printing, Steamer
Info: Missing infrastructure areas and details could be sent to [email protected]